Chennai: The Tamil Nadu government on Friday (August 27) issued Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for schools across the state to strictly adhere to when the classes commence from September 1 for ninth to twelfth standards.
Permitting the re-opening of schools for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th standards with effect from September 1 with 50 per cent students at a time by duly following the appropriate SOP, the government directed the school education department to take necessary preparatory action and prescribe appropriate SOP for conducting classes regularly.
Schools should function six days a week and classes and sections have to be split into batches of not more than 20 students per classroom, as per the SOP. If no additional rooms are available, then students shall be asked to come to school on a rotational basis on alternate days, it said.
Online or distance learning will continue to be an alternate mode of teaching. Students may be permitted to attend online classes if they prefer and those willing to study from home with the consent of the parents may be allowed to do so.