Saima Wazed Hossain has been appointed as the WHO goodwill ambassador for autism in South-East Asia, says a press release published on Thursday.
Regional director for WHO South-East Asia, Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, lauded Saima’s “passionate and persistent efforts for addressing autism”.
He also acknowledged her “significant contributions towards creating awareness and generating action to address and elevate sufferings of people affected by autism” and appointed her as the goodwill ambassador for two years.
According to the press release, Saima has expedited the “Thimphu Declaration” on autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders at an international conference in Bhutan in April.
This declaration is based on “a whole-of–society and whole-of-government” approach which emphasises on “strengthening national capacities in health, education and social care sectors”.
Saima’s role as the goodwill ambassador entails promoting the Thimphu declaration which focuses on “integrating the needs of autism affected people, into national health and socioeconomic development plans”.
Saima has made other important contributions which include “development of a collaborative framework for implementation of WHO Regional Strategy on autism spectrum disorder, and national action plans for post-disaster
mental health and psycho-social support”. ❑