The controversy over Pathaan’s ‘Besharam Rang’ song refuses to die down with new complaints being filed against the song every day, and new threats being issued. The latest to target Shah Rukh Khan in this ongoing row is Ayodhya seer Paramhans Acharya who said he will burn hah Rukh Khan alive if he ever meets him. The video of him issuing the threat has gone viral. “Today we burnt his posters. The movie Pathhan has insulted the saffron color. If I find jihadi Shah Rukh Khan anywhere, I will burn him alive.”
Paramhans Acharya recently came into the news after he announced Jal Samadhi unless India is declared a Hindu Rashtra. Later, he withdrew his Jal Samadhi decision
Earlier, Mahant Raju Das, the priest of Hanuman Garhi, appealed to people to burn down the theatres where Pathaan will be released. “Bollywood and Hollywood always attempt to make fun of the Sanatan religion. The way saffron has been used by Deepika Padukone as a bikini is hurtful to us. What was the necessity to wear saffron as a bikini? I appeal to people to boycott the movie. Burn down the theatres where the movie will be screened because otherwise, they will not understand. You have to be evil to counter evil,” Raju Das said.
Several complaints have been filed against the Besharam Rang song alleging that Deepika Padukone’s saffron bikini is hurtful to Hindu sentiments.
The Besharam Rang row has created a political divide as several mainstream BJP leaders, including Madhya Pradesh home minister Narottam Mishra, spoke against the song and called for action against it. Congress, Trinamool Congress, and leaders from many other opposition parties termed this debate as baseless. Chhattisgarh chief minister Bhupesh Baghel hit out at Bajrang Dal workers and said they “extort” wearing saffron. “There is a difference between wearing clothes (of certain colors) and embracing (thoughts associated with them). Saints and sadhus embrace (the color saffron) after leaving their families and society (renouncing the material world). Saffron is the color of flames of fire and signifies sacrifice,” Bhupesh Baghel said.
Amid the controversy, Shah Rukh Khan said Pathaan is a very patriotic movie during a social media interaction. Without mentioning the controversy, Shah Rukh Khan talked about how negativity increases social media consumption — at the Kolkata International Film Festival.
Deepika Padukone, on the other hand, was seen unveiling the FIFA World Cup trophy on Sunday and was trolled for her costume again.