Maharashtra: An 85-year-old Pune based man has been accused of inciting crowd for violence which led to Bhima-Koregaon riots. Samhbaji Bhide who lives a very simple life, is a highly educated. As per a complaint filed against him, he is behind Pune riots.
Bhide, popularly known as ‘guruji’, has now for the first time come out in open to clarify his stand and is pleading not guilty.
“It will b wrong to say that I was present in Pune where riots took place and am responsible for the same. Dalit leader Prakash Ambedkar has accused of me violence. I say that the matter should be probed. I work to incline the Hindus towards nationalism. The allegations against me are false”.
The cops are probing if Bhide’s claims that he was not present at the spot at the time of riots or not and are also probing his role in the same.
Samhaji Bhide is a popular name in Maharashtra’s politics. It is said that his popularity can gather thousands of masses in the state within minutes. Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi had called him as ‘guruji’.
*News Searching By Abp*